Terms and Conditions

Dear Customer,
In terms of the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties (the "Law") and the Regulations to the Law (the "Regulations"), Servicios Integrales de Aviación, S.A. de C.V. ("SIASA"), with address at Calle No. 3, Hangar 22, Toluca International Airport, San Pedro Totoltepec, C.P. 50226, Toluca, State of Mexico,  informs you that all personal data collected by SIASA (including name, date of birth, sex, nationality and others) will be used, as appropriate, for the following purposes:
 Passenger registration in the respective flight plans;

  •  Notification of the identity of passengers in flight to the national and foreign security, immigration and customs authorities;
  •  Provision of air transport services and any others related to them;
  •  Evaluations and surveys of quality and satisfaction of services;
  •  Sending promotional information, either in documentary or electronic form, related to the services offered by SIASA; and
  •  In general, for the provision of the services offered by SIASA and its affiliated companies and/or subsidiaries.
Your personal data collected by SIASA will be duly safeguarded in accordance with the security, administrative, technical and physical provisions established in the Law and the Regulations to protect such personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or its unauthorized use, access or disclosure and will be treated under the principles of legality, consent, information,  quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality, responsibility, security and confidentiality provided for in said Law and the Regulations.
SIASA informs you that your personal data collected by SIASA may be transferred to entities of the same interest group of the company and/or third parties, national or foreign, only for the purpose of fulfilling the purposes for which said personal data have been provided.
Likewise, SIASA informs you that, in terms of the provisions of Article 28 of the Law, you have the right to Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition of your personal data, for which it is necessary that: (i) send a request regarding the personal data that belongs to you in terms of the provisions of Articles 29 and 31 of the Law,  addressed to [NAME OF THE AREA/PERSON IN CHARGE OF PERSONAL DATA], located at Calle No. 3, Hangar 22, Toluca International Airport, San Pedro Totoltepec, C.P. 50226, Toluca, State of Mexico, with attention to the person in charge of the [NAME OF THE AREA/PERSON IN CHARGE OF PERSONAL DATA], (ii) call 01 (722)273-3485, or (iii) send an email ______@flymexmail.com. Likewise, you may revoke your consent for the processing of your personal data by sending a request in this regard through the means established in this paragraph.

This Privacy Notice may be modified at any time by SIASA and the respective modifications will be available for consultation in www.flymexjets.com.mx.  
In the event that SIASA does not receive your express opposition to your personal data being processed in the manner and terms described above, it will be understood that you have given your tacit consent to do so.
Kind regards                        
Servicios Integrales de Aviación, S.A. de C.V.